Why is Shortlife Housing Back on the Agenda ?
Why is Shortlife Housing Back on the Agenda ? Across England there are 225,000 homes which have been empty long term, a number that has been growing for the past five years, according to MHCLG data In London, which has both the highest level of housing demand in the country and also the most expensive homes, you would be sure there would be no scope for homes to be left empty, but in fact there are over 30,000 homes vacant long term. Long term in this case means that the property has been unoccupied and largely unfurnished for at least six months, though of course many have been much longer. With 60,000 families in temporary accommodation and many more in insecure situations or sofa surfing, every one of those homes could be life changing for a family or a group of individuals if they could be brought safely back into use. For many of those the solution is for the owner to get on and finish building work, but where owners cannot or will not do this, or where there i...